Minutes of AGM 2016

17th August 2017


  The meeting commenced at 3 30 p.m. with prayer.The Warden Rev Canon Jeremy Paisey presided.

28 members signed the attendance sheet

548 APOLOGIES Apologies were intimated from Rev Father D Strachan; Very Rev A.Swift (Holy Trinity, Dunoon), Rev C.Fraser (St Peter’s, Kirkcaldy) , Bro A Hall (Almoner),Sister Irene Rose ( St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth), Guardian Bro B Lintott & members of Oban Cathedral Priory, Bro A. Odumsi (St John’s, Princes Street, Edinburgh), Bro C. Bartos, and Bros F.Wilson, Bill Rodger and I Chaffer (all St Mary and St Peter, Montrose)
549 MINUTES The Minutes of the 2015 Annual General Meeting, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed as a true record – Proposed by the Chaplain- General, seconded by Bro Richard Smith.
550 MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising.
551 ACCOUNTS In the absence of the Almoner/Treasurer, the Warden summarised the financial statement.ORDINARY FUND: The financial position continued to improve thanks to the continuing generous response to the appeal.

EDUCATION FUND: Members were encouraged to seek applicants for support from the fund so that it could fulfil its purpose of facilitating suitable education and training.

On a proposal from Bro Matthew Pemble seconded by Sister Vicki Paterson, both sets of Accounts were approved unanimously. Copies are appended.          






The Secretary-General welcomed all who had attended and thanked the Cathedral for hosting the Festival and AGM.

He thanked members of Council for all their support. Many members had again been generous in their response to the annual appeal. He had issued a paper Newsletter. He welcomed all new members who had been admitted during the last year and asked all members to support Guild activities. The position of Secretary-General will be shared between himself and Sister Vicki Paterson who has thankfully agreed to take on the role fully next year.


 553 REPORT OF MEMBERSHIP SUB-COMMITTEE     Sister Sheena Liddell for the Sub-Committee reported on some of the conclusions from the online survey that members took last year. The Sub-Committee is to meet to review this further and will continue to liaise with the Council to bring forward recommendations. An important matter still to be addressed is to review the format of the Annual Festival – all suggestions (radical or not) were welcomed.


554 ELECTION OF OFFICE- BEARERS  Sister Vicki Paterson has agreed and would be nominated for Secretary-General next year. It was agreed that she would be Assistant and Brother Barry Nisbet would be Secretary-General and they would work together over the next year to ensure a smooth transition.
555 NEWSLETTER/WEBSITE/FACEBOOK  As the Newsletter has proved expensive to produce it was agreed that the Guild needed a revised way of communication with its members. Sister Vicki Paterson has recently started a Facebook page which she will co-manage with Brother Matthew Pemble.Members are encouraged to forward any news and photographs to them to share in this page.

Brother Matthew Pemble has successfully reinstated the website using a WordPress format. He is currently inputting information to this site and he would welcome any historical information regarding the Guild. This website will also be linked to the Facebook page and it is hoped that together they will provide the Guild with an up to date online presence. Again members were urged to share any news etc with Brother Matthew Pemble and Sister Vicki through the Guild email addresses.

Brother Barry Nisbet and Sister Vicki Paterson will work on getting current email addresses from Guild members.

There was some concern voiced with regard to members who do not have on-line access and it was agreed that limited paper copies of any newsletter, minutes, etc would still be made available.

556 GREETINGS from the GSS Bro Peter Keat extended greetings to our Guild from the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (England and Wales)
557 SALES Bro Alfred Jack (St Mary and St Peter, Montrose) kindly volunteered to take over the Sales Stall at the Festivals from Bro Francis Wilson (same priory) who had done this task for very many years

The Warden thanked everyone for the success of the day’s proceedings, including the Chapter and clergy of the Cathedral especially the Vice-Provost, as also the duty servers and organist and those who had organised the tea and refreshments.The Secretary-General thanked the Warden for his services to the Guild and for his conduct of the AGM.

Please note that copies of the Accounts, mentioned in Section 551 above, are not currently available on this website.